

After a long time of thinking about how we could best meet our self-set goals, we finally found a solution: We will build and finance so called “Rescue-Centers” ! We know that in the meantime many -minor- girls, who are supposed to become victims of forced marriage or genital mutilation, run away from home. For this we have thought about a very important point: Where can the girls run away to ?

Or young women who are already in such a “marriage” and want to escape from it and escape to a safe place for them: To whom can they turn ?

Surely many more of these girls would flee from this torture and ordeal of their own accord if they knew: Who will help me ?

Without a place to go, protection and competent help, these girls are predestined to become victims of pimps, traffickers and human traffickers. They come from the frying pan into the fire.

For this reason, we have decided to set up “rescue centers” that provide protection and help similar to a women’s shelter. But not only that, they also offer an educational program that helps younger girls to become independent and offers older girls professional prospects. Each of these rescue centers can accommodate between 20 and 50 girls. There will be places to sleep, washing facilities, recreational and leisure facilities, and an outpatient clinic. It is also planned to build school rooms in which real teachers, who will be “lent” to us by the school authorities, will teach.

From this point on, when the girls are safe and their basic needs are secured, we again count on YOU, dear readers, donors and supporters, because these girls need reliable sponsorships that will enable them to develop in such a way that one day they will be able to stand on their own feet. You will find more about the sponsorships on our website soon.

Now something about the buildings themselves. We want to interfere as little as possible with nature, and build sustainably and in style. That is why we will have the rescue centers built using the so-called “earthbag method”. It is built from the earth on which the house stands. This is not only sustainable, but also very durable, environmentally friendly, and looks chic to boot:

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Symbolbilder: ©Steemit

Here’s a video we found about it on YouTube.

More on this as soon as we launch the first Rescue Center project, check back soon, or subscribe to the newsletter.

Helping people help themselves

Helping people help themselves

Helping people help themselves. Much is said about it and many attempts are made, some with success, some without success. We are firmly convinced that the best way to help yourself is to enable good (training) education. Knowledge is the power to direct your life!

A simple example: Of course you can give seeds to a simple farmer. He will treat it with care and use it to get a good harvest and new seeds from it. If it now happens that the harvest is destroyed, e.g. by drought or flooding, then we are back at the beginning of the story and the farmer needs help. But if we now enable the farmer not only to get the seeds but also agricultural training, then in the future he will probably know how and with which technologies he can protect his harvest.

Prosperity depends a lot on education and know-how. And the more people we enable a good education, the more society will prosper and develop upwards. The people with training are then also in a position to pass on their knowledge, to instruct others and to train themselves. It’s easy to see that at a certain point this becomes a matter of course and these people no longer need outside help. That is our primary goal. And we concentrate on a relatively small area and try to provide more education and training there in a “concentrated” way. From this small area, education will then continue to spread like an “epidemic”.

The principle and the legalities are easy to understand and if we take a look at Switzerland for comparison, then one can say that prosperity was made possible primarily through good schooling and training. Switzerland is known worldwide as a country that produces absolute quality products. This is the effect of good (training) education!

Underage Child-Brides

Underage Child-Brides

Child brides should actually be a relic of times long past, and yet it is still quite normal in many countries around the world today for children to be married to older men against their will. Some of these girls are under 10 years old! The reasons for this are the same in many places. On the one hand there are economic reasons, because the daughters are often sold to the groom by their own families at a high price. The price increases the lower the age. Unfortunately, it is also often the case that the affected families are too poor to feed all their children adequately, and it is precisely in these poor countries that children are blessed because either religious reasons or the economic situation speak against the use of contraceptives.

We became aware of and got in touch with a remarkable woman in Kenya who is a Maasai herself, also studied education and is now a senior civil servant (Educational Officer) with the Kenyan TSC, which is similar to our Ministry of Education and Youth Welfare Office . Her Name is Josephine Nyaboke Mairura (CSO).

One of Josephine’s tasks is to investigate in the Maasai Mara area to find such marriages with underage girls and to get the child brides out there – often with police protection. It is not uncommon for the girls to resist themselves because they believe that they and their families will then no longer be able to take care of themselves, which theoretically corresponds to the facts. Josephine and her authorities do their best to ensure that the children are accommodated and receive a good school education so that they can later stand on their own two feet, but unfortunately the available budget is the biggest problem here and makes this actually optimal strategy somewhat difficult .

And this is where we at HELPVETICA would like to start and support such girls so that they can graduate from school and later also get an apprenticeship or a place at university. With your donations and the help of our sponsors, we can make this possible for some of these abused girls and help them overcome this trauma as well. PLEASE HELP WITH A DONATION!

Thank you very much !

Massive abuse of female workers

Massive abuse of female workers

Unfortunately, this video is only available in original English but we assume that most of you understand enough English to follow this disturbing video.

The events shown here are NOT EXCEPTIONAL IN KENYA ! Some women in and from Kenya have told me in the meantime that it is normal that those responsible, i.e. HR managers, company owners or their (male) foremen, give jobs or work facilities to women seeking work only in exchange for “sexual favors”, or monetary payments or often even both. As already mentioned, this is not the exception, but actually the rule. Also because there are very few women in these positions and the men in an absolutely patriarchal state can do more or less whatever they want to women.

This is hardly ever prosecuted, the successes shown here in this video are individual cases and only became possible due to public pressure through the documentation. This is not the norm.
The women are usually turned away when they want to report it. Yes, if at all, because that also means the loss of the urgently needed job at the same time. And there is no money for civil prosecution, especially since most lawyers are also men and very expensive.

And here we want to start from HELPVETICA, in the form that we:
1.) Financially support such victims of rape, because nothing else are these women, so that they can afford a lawyer.
2.) Help women get more qualifications so they can get these jobs and prevent these assaults from happening in the first place.

Please help us with donations so that we can achieve these goals.

Thank you !

Female genital mutilation

Female genital mutilation

Genital mutilation, the cutting off of the female clitoris with unhygienic cutting tools, carried out – under unimaginable agony of the often still underage victims, by unqualified, self-proclaimed “shamans” and other quacks – to describe this atrocity once quite clearly – still exists today in the 21st century in many countries of this world, so also in Kenya, mostly among primitive peoples like the Maasai.

Some facts about:
Worldwide, about 200 million women are affected ! That is as many as Germany, France and Italy have inhabitants together !
Genital mutilation has been banned in Kenya since 2011, yet approximately 21% of all Kenyan women between 15 and 49 have become victims of this cruel and dirty ritual. The number of illiterates in southwestern Kenya is 50-60%, and poverty is 80%. Lack of education is one reason why this horrible “custom” has persisted for so long.

More and more young girls flee from this ritual, simply run away from home.

Unfortunately, these girls then often end up in little better hands, are forced into prostitution or criminal acts, or then simply grow up in poverty on the streets.

And this is exactly where HELPVETICA wants to start and set up contact points for these girls in the respective areas, where they are looked after and their education is taken care of. Again, we will be working with Josephine Nyaboke Mairura (CSO) and the TSC.

Please support us also for this project with your generous donations !