After a long time of thinking about how we could best meet our self-set goals, we finally found a solution: We will build and finance so called “Rescue-Centers” ! We know that in the meantime many -minor- girls, who are supposed to become victims of forced marriage or genital mutilation, run away from home. For this we have thought about a very important point: Where can the girls run away to ?

Or young women who are already in such a “marriage” and want to escape from it and escape to a safe place for them: To whom can they turn ?

Surely many more of these girls would flee from this torture and ordeal of their own accord if they knew: Who will help me ?

Without a place to go, protection and competent help, these girls are predestined to become victims of pimps, traffickers and human traffickers. They come from the frying pan into the fire.

For this reason, we have decided to set up “rescue centers” that provide protection and help similar to a women’s shelter. But not only that, they also offer an educational program that helps younger girls to become independent and offers older girls professional prospects. Each of these rescue centers can accommodate between 20 and 50 girls. There will be places to sleep, washing facilities, recreational and leisure facilities, and an outpatient clinic. It is also planned to build school rooms in which real teachers, who will be “lent” to us by the school authorities, will teach.

From this point on, when the girls are safe and their basic needs are secured, we again count on YOU, dear readers, donors and supporters, because these girls need reliable sponsorships that will enable them to develop in such a way that one day they will be able to stand on their own feet. You will find more about the sponsorships on our website soon.

Now something about the buildings themselves. We want to interfere as little as possible with nature, and build sustainably and in style. That is why we will have the rescue centers built using the so-called “earthbag method”. It is built from the earth on which the house stands. This is not only sustainable, but also very durable, environmentally friendly, and looks chic to boot:

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Here’s a video we found about it on YouTube.

More on this as soon as we launch the first Rescue Center project, check back soon, or subscribe to the newsletter.